CBDR Suggested Editors
Looking for someone to edit your work? These experienced editors are available! Please contact editors with your project details.
Write-on-Site participants who attend 40 sessions will be granted 4 hours of editing from the editor of their choice (pending availability). Eligible participants should contact their chosen editor and be sure to mention the writing group benefit.

Cy White
Cy White is a multifaceted journalist (editor, photojournalist, columnist, critic) with skills in various forms of digital media (video creation and editing, graphic design), and a published author. As a music journalist since 2007, she’s had the privilege of interviewing many musicians including Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, Rapsody, Crush, Epik High, Samuel Seo, Jackson Wang, Neon Bunny and Jambinai for several music publications such as HiphopKR the #1 English-language publication covering hip hop and R&B from Korea. She’s worked in the publishing industry for 10 years as a contracted editor for Dreamspinner Press and as the former Design Director, and is currently the standing managing editor for Austin Woman magazine.
Specialties: Job letters, essays, dissertations, articles for print/web, blogs, fiction/nonfiction
Contact: cy.madasamedia@gmail.com

Darlea Dominelli
I have always been passionate about communication and helping people reach their highest level. This resulted in a passion for writing and music, and it led to my years of working as a teacher. I have a master’s degree in English from the University of Delaware and taught composition during my time there. I am also a piano instructor and pianist.
I tend to develop close professional relationships with my clients and serve many functions to help get a text where it should be. I have experience working on CVs, essays, dissertations, and books. I have served various roles in preparing manuscripts for publication (research, notes/bibliography, formatting, proofreading, permissions, manuscript coordinator). I recently worked with Jean Pfaelzer on California, a Slave State and Gabrielle Foreman on Praise Songs for Dave the Potter and, formerly, The Colored Conventions Movement. I have also worked as a grant writer and can aid in fine-tuning grant proposals. Styles I’m especially comfortable with are Chicago and MLA (but I’ll gladly work with others).
Contact: darlea.carr@gmail.com

Jina DuVernay
Jina DuVernay is a librarian, archivist and cultural consultant. She has served as a project mentor for the Digital Library Federation, a reviewer for the Recovery Hub for American Women Writers and is a scholar of the Black Book Interactive Project. DuVernay holds master’s degrees from Auburn University at Montgomery and the University of Alabama. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Humanities at Clark Atlanta University where she serves as a consultant for the university’s Center for Africana Digital Humanities.
Specialties: CVs, job letters, grant proposals, short article
Contact: jinaduvernay@gmail.com